TTFN, Trib TV tab

July 1, 2007 Off By Jason

The Tribune-Review is the latest U.S. newspaper to discontinue its Sunday TV magazine. In a front page editor’s note, the paper notes that the daily TV listings — which previously appeared Monday through Saturday — have been expanded to cover many more hours, and will now appear seven days per week.

The crossword puzzle and David Inman’s syndicated TV questions-and-answers column, which appeared in the TV magazine, will run Sundays in the paper’s Living section on a new TV page.

With editions in Pittsburgh and Greensburg, the Tribune-Review had a combined Sunday circulation of 157,000 copies in May 2006.

Nationally, a number of Sunday newspapers, stung by falling ad revenue, have dropped their once-popular TV magazines, though the Post-Gazette (Sunday circulation 382,000) and several independent suburban papers continue to feature one.

In addition, the ever-proliferating number of cable TV outlets has made it difficult for printed listings to include all or even most of the available channels; TV Guide dropped its regional TV listings in October 2005 in favor of a single national magazine.

Printed TV schedules have also suffered by comparison to any of several websites that feature searchable listings.