WKFB down after accident

April 4, 2011 Off By Eric O'Brien

Broadcast Communications Inc. stations WKHB-AM (620 Irwin) and WKFB-AM (770 Jeannette) suffered blows on Saturday after a car hit a power line near the transmitter site in Westmoreland County. According to Clarke Ingram (who was set to return to the airwaves via WKHB that afternoon) the accident not only knocked out power to the two stations, but also sent a powerful surge frying some equipment. A short time later, WKHB returned to the air at reduced power, but the damaged equipment affected WKFB’s return to the air. Ingram said it could be days before 770 is back on the air.

Disclaimer: Eric O’Brien is a part-time Broadcast Communications employee.

UPDATE 4/5: WKFB signed back on about 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening after close to 4 days off the air. The daytimer, of course, signed off at the normal 8:00 sunset time. Sister station WKHB will remain at half daytime power (normally 5500 watts) until a repair can be made there.