Do you comment on social media about news posts?

August 15, 2020 Off By Eric O'Brien

A month or so ago I put a post on the PBRTV Facebook page asking if people actually read the articles I post here on the website. Most admitted that they did while one or two said they only read the headline. This was apparent when someone posted a question that was clearly answered in the article. I merely answered with “I assume you read the story.”

TV stations and newspapers who post the stories they write for their outlets have to deal with that on a much larger scale. Yet they also have to deal with people flat-out arguing with other people. The political posts, heavily debated issues, and most recently the pandemic have been prime targets for these types of childish typed-out melees.

While awake part of the night last night, I read through a number of posts surrounding the decisions of restaurants around Pittsburgh to open up to the fullest capacity the other evening (not to mention this semi-related story) which was an effort to thumb their nose to the current statewide mandate*. At first, I was amused at what I was reading. But a few opinions in things turned nasty. It was then that I lost faith in humanity. *(Anyone who comments either here or on the PBRTV social media post about this restaurant or related issues will have their post deleted. This ain’t the place for it)

I get we are all living through rough times. I get that it’s an election year. I get that everyone thinks they know everything about something – particularly when it comes to novel viruses. But do we really have to be rude and insensitive toward others as we hide behind our computers and tablets?

In the post I mentioned above about whether anyone really reads these blog posts, someone automatically assumed that I was doing away with the website and strictly going to post on social media. That was NEVER the plan and this kind of behavior only cements it.