History Tidbit

January 13, 2021 Off By Eric O'Brien

Although it’s not radio or TV related per se, I don’t doubt that there are some who remember Sam Nicotero from his days as a morning host on WJAS pre- Jack Wheeler.

Not far from what would later become the “PBRTV World Headquarters” was one of the first video rental places I can remember – Video Stop – which sat in between an Arby’s (and the original “hat” sign) and the Berkeley Hills Pharmacy on McKnight Road at Siebert. My family rented quite a few movies there, but unbeknownst to me was that it was owned by none other than Nicotero himself.

Nicotero, had the pioneering idea of teaming up with Joe Wadlow who owned a well-known pizza joint right next to the pharmacy – Monte Cello’s. Together, the two created an evening’s entertainment – if you called (without needing to dial the area code) FOR-FILM or 367-3456, Sam or an employee of his store would take your video and pizza order; pick up your movie and walk it over to Monte Cello’s where the pizza would be baking and VOILA! within an hour you had a pizza and movie at your door!

Judging from my memories of when the restaurant was in the larger of the two spaces it had rented next to the pharmacy, and when Video Stop was in business at that location, these two clips are probably from 1986 at the earliest or ’87 at the latest. The first is Lynn Cullen’s report on WTAE, followed by Liz Miles and Jon Burnett on KDKA’s Evening Magazine.

Wadlow and his family still own Monte Cello’s are still in business down the street and around the corner on Babcock Boulevard at Thompson Run Road as well as other locations. Nicotero, who is also known for his acting, passed away in 2016.

Wow… it’s a shame we can’t find entertainment like that today, he says with a hint of sarcasm.