“On-Air” debuts in Falls Church

April 28, 2019 Off By Eric O'Brien

The Creative Cauldron in Falls Church, Virginia will be premiering a new musical on Thursday called On Air. The theater’s website describes the program, “Amidst the tumbling torrent that was the 1920s, Frank and Flora Conrad were on the edge of discovering mass broadcasting. These two unsung radio pioneers broke through the static and established the first radio station in America in their unassuming garage in East Pittsburgh.  ON AIR follows their untold love story, and how radio became a constant companion, messenger and soundtrack of our lives over the past century of American life.”

Aptly, the Marketing and Communications Manager for the Creative Cauldron is Victoria Dandrea. Her fiance, Benjamin, is the son of the late Earl Bugaile who was on stations KQV, WJPA, WEDO and others.

Dandrea writes, “I know that not may people from Pittsburgh will make the trek down to Northern Virginia to see a show here in Falls Church, but I wanted to make any and all radio enthusiasts and those who work in radio aware of our production, especially since we are coming up on 100 years of radio broadcasting!” She adds, “Our little theater has become quite to homage to Pittsburgh, especially since our lyricist is from Fayette County. Lots of old radios for props and a ton of KDKA and Pirates references!”

The show runs through May 26.