25 Years…

October 20, 2023 Off By Eric O'Brien

A few months ago, I thought about doing a big “to-do” on this October 21. Perhaps a live YouTube program? Maybe a pre-recorded podcast? I even sent out a press release to some outlets in the off-… make that the very off-… no, the LIKELY off-chance they were looking for some good news to report!

Be that as it may, with as busy as I have been lately, I now think it best to let the banner on top of the main page do the talking. When I started this website years ago I hadn’t yet lived for 25 years (I was a couple months from turning 22.) I had no idea what I was doing, but somehow it worked out and as a result I’ve come to know many of you at least through email or social media, and a few more of you in-person. I am grateful for such connections.

This business that we love has changed dramatically throughout the last 25 years and very rapidly. As we celebrate the first quarter century of this website over the next several months, I look forward to continuing to explore the future while celebrating the past with you for years to come!

Here’s to the next 25!

Eric O’Brien